Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain vs Obama

I'm thinking that everyone is probably sick of hearing about politics so I will make this brief. I think it is inexcusable that McCain and Obama have wasted so much of their debate and campaigning time with negativity towards eachother. Most people just want to hear the issues and how each candidate is going to deal with that. I know it's "politics", but maybe we could have a little human decency, too.


Unknown said...

I completely agree with you. I also think that with all the money both parties throw around they should help to bring the other top candidates to the debates so we can hear them and know that there are more than just two political parties out there and what they stand for. I think that if the country were their priority they would want to have the person, who the people of this country feel is best, be the one in the presidential seat. As long as the people only know that there are two candidates their chances of being elected are greater. It seems they keep the race to the wealthy elitists by making the campaigning about how much money it takes to keep your name in the spot light. Why would we want to have someone like that as president? They certainly don't have the country's welfare in mind by financially hiding the less wealthy candidates.

Jeanette said...

I completely agree. I'm so sick of the negativity, and people constantly bringing attention to things that don't matter. Lets focus on the real issues!

D. Goddess said...

I don't always comment on your posts, but I read them all and love the insight that you give to everyday life. Love ya Jen!

Janine said...

Jen-I just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award for your blog! It's on my blog...go check it out-loves!