Wednesday, September 3, 2008


You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s true that a good attitude can make a tremendous difference in your day. Each day you can make a choice as how to react to the events of the day and the people with whom you surround yourself. Everyone has at some point been around a person with a lousy attitude. A person who is negative about everything and everybody. They are no fun to be around. They tear you down and make you feel like strangling them! Other people have just the opposite effect. They lift you up, they are happy to be around you, they are happy to be alive, they are taking their struggles in stride and they know the storm will pass, it always does. I have a friend who is like that. I no longer live near her, but I wish I did. She was fun to be around. She made me feel happy because she was happy. She made me feel like I am the most important person in her life. When I knocked on her door, she was delighted to see me, she invited me in and would always make time for me. Who wouldn’t give anything to have a friend like that?
So what kind of person are you? Are you like the guy that everyone wants to run away from whenever he opens his mouth? Are like a cancer that spreads negativity and makes people feel yucky? Or perhaps you are a happy person, a person with a good attitude, one that looks at the good even when it seems difficult to find. Other people gravitate towards you because you exude goodness and light and make them feel important and worthwhile.
It’s up to you. Decide the attitude you are going to have. Make it a great attitude and people around you will begin to notice a difference. They will wonder why you are so happy!


aubs33 said...

Fun blog Jennie! We moved to Utah last week. My blog isn't nearly as motivating as yours, lol! Mostly a compilation of random thoughts and pictures. Not much thought is put into it to be honest! Still, I like blogging, it's a fun way to keep in touch! I hope your family is doing well. I just can't believe how big these boys of both of ours can grow!! Jaden is huge now..Tyler is bigger! 110 pounds and size 9 1/ mens shoes!!

Unknown said...

I do have to say that after you left the neighborhood here it was a long time until I found someone else that was able to deal with our strangeness. It was quite lonely, and still is without your family living next door. It is just too quiet and boring now. Although, we do have the house up on the market. Our time has come to leave this nice place and try to find more friends that can accept our odd ways. It is always a challenge, though, to find someone who can be comfortable around new and/or different ways of thinking and living. Why do you suppose that is? You were a great friend to me when you were my neighbor. I just wanted you to know that and that we still miss you.