Thursday, August 21, 2008

I want your stories!

Ordinary Moms Doing Extraordinary Things

The other day I was thinking about some mothers I know that are pretty amazing. They may feel ordinary but I think they're extraordinary. I want to hear about the lives of these mothers — their activities, feelings and emotions. I am compiling a collection of stories that I would like to have published so they can be shared. I am sending out a request to anyone who would like to share a story about themselves or another mom who has done, or is doing something great, amazing and inspirational.

So please send me your stories.Tell me about the amazing moms you know. Is it your mother, your daughter, a sister or a neighbor? Once I have a good collection I'll take it to a publisher and have it printed into a book that can be enjoyed by many moms. My hope is to give people something enriching to read that inspires change, brightens their day, or lightens their load. I want stories that make you laugh, cry and contemplate. I am looking forward to hearing many wonderful and unforgettable stories!

Guidelines and information:
• 300 - 1500 words
• True stories only
• Names may be changed
• Deadline for stories is November 1, 2008
• Create emotion and feeling. Include a conflict or difficult situation, but end in a positive manner. Share from your heart. Introduce the characters and make them feel real to the reader. Let the reader know what the characters are feeling throughout the entire situation. Don’t hold back, just be open and let it come from within.
• Feel free to send this information on to other women who may want to share a "mom" story!

1 comment:

D. Goddess said...

This is a great idea. I'll pass the word along.